The Shemitah, The Jubilee, and What’s Ahead for 2023
The Jubilee Conspiracy: Blockbuster Half Time Special.
Well, fellow diggers: we somehow made it to March relatively unscathed, which means we are officially halfway through Jubilee.
For those new to this particularly spicy Biblical burrow, September 2022 marked the end of the Shemitah: a seven year economic cycle, originally revealed in the Old Testament as a blessing/curse to the Jews by Yahweh, which appears to manifest in our current reality as mild to moderate socio-economic chaos every seventh Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah). Previous Shemitahs of note include *checks notes* the collapse of the twin towers in September 2011 and the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.
After a relatively quiet 2015, Bible Conspiracy researchers such as yours truly were warning of imminent and/or impending fuckery being afoot: the 2022 Shemitah edition would not be any ordinary psy-op, but a blockbuster Jubilee special that comes around every 50 years after the seventh seven-year iteration.
Such suspicions were confirmed, in slightly ominous fashion, when September kicked off with the death of the Lizard Queen, in her Platinum Jubilee year no less! That particular troll still feels a bit on the nose.
Not long afterwards, the Nord Stream pipeline went kaput, and our increasingly geopolitically-multipolar realm was thrown down an escalated path towards nuclear standoff (lets assume nukes are real for the sake of the narrative).
Concurrently, the controlled and manipulated drip-drip of Jibby Jab disclosure steadily intensified — the Taibbi Files, Project Veritas gay hookup stings, Monday Night Football heart-attack rituals et al. — all timed perfectly with the gradual introduction of the Died Suddenly epidemic into mainstream consciousness: engendering widespread societal consent for Nuremberg-esque bloodlust retributions and, ultimately, of martial law. Cue stage left: Chinese spy balloons and UFOs, just as a reminder that only the military can save you from the globalists/commies/ETs.
Perhaps fittingly, the final act of the first half of The Jubilee Conspiracy was, in fact, a half-time show: a stunning and bold display by an ominously Scarlett and preggers Ri-Ri that also, for some then-unknown reason, had a cameo by a bunch of NPCs in hazmat suits.
Prayers up for that fetus that it escapes the sacrificial alter
Usually — such as in the case of the ‘Rona-foreshadowing dancing nurses at the London Olympics opening ceremony — the programmed events foreshadowed in these occult loosh-harvesting rituals take at least a few years to manifest. No so this time: we had only a few day turnaround until they played their hand and decided to bring a 2021 toxic train derailment Netflix series into real life by bombing (east) Palestine.
Ok, ok: just to be clear, after a meme like that, we don’t do anti-Semitism Down the Wombat Hole. We do, however, call out religious fundamentalist psychopaths of any stripes who worship and give away their energy/free will/souls to demonic entities at the expense of humanity, which I assume is less cancel-worthy?
The point here is that we have only just limped over the half time hooter, and there is literally no reason to think that the string-pulling Religionist pranksters will let up in any way over the next 6 months.
So, with that spicy wrap complete, the necessary and important question: what does the second half of The Jubilee Conspiracy entail?
If i’m on to something with this Shemitah/Jubilee hypothesis, this is serious stuff that is about to unfold: potentially more equilibrium disrupting than September 11 2001. So serious, in fact, that it requires a special sunrise rant at one of the most iconic beaches on the southern coast of Western Australia (thanks to Tonika at Visceral Adventure for help with the audio editing).
I will provide the cliff notes of the video below (although you know you aren’t getting the full sunrise rant experience). Nothing I am saying is new or novel: the impending removal/Died Suddenly of Sleepy Joe and ensuing political chaos; a significant economic crash/recession event/period; a global/realm-wide internet outage and/or reset.
What I am doing, over the course of 40 minutes (the sunrise at the end makes it worth it, I assure you), is to give a theoretical framework for these events, and most importantly a specific timeline for when they might play out (basically: the fun really starts August, before we wake up in a different world When September Ends).
If you think I am on to something, and you think this information needs to be shared, this video will also be a good introduction and summary for anyone new to these burrowings.
Happy external hard-drive shopping, fellow diggers!
What I will do in this rant, once we reach the top of that hill, is explain to you what I think is going to happen over the next 6 months.
Now predictions are a mugs game, and there is no better way to lose credibility as a conspiracy theorist than making dramatic claims of impending cataclysmic events. So, before we get there, i’m going to walk you through why I have come to these conclusions. And if you stick with me, You will know exactly why I am making the predictions that I am, and I dare say that you will agree that I could be on to something.
These predictions revolve around an Old Testament concept called the Shemitah. The Shemitah, along with the related concept of the Sabbath, were part of the lesser known set of rules revealed to Moses by Yahweh at the same time as the 10 Commandments. Both relate to the idea of a Time of Rest: for the Sabbath, The Jews were told to rest and replenish every seventh day, similar to the God in the Genesis creation story.
For the Shemitah, this same concept is applied over 7 years: that every seventh year, the Jews would cease for an entire year, getting by on the crops gathered in the previous 6 years, so that the lands could replenish and continue to provide.
“You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield… but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat.” Exodus 23:10-11
The word Shemitah literally means to release or let go, and this is what we see at the end of this 7 year cycle: a controlled economic collapse — a mini recession — during the transition from one cycle to the next. This collapse, which was also linked to the forgiveness of debts, would be timed to occur around the time of Jewish New Year, which falls some time between mid-September and early October.
Because we are talking about The Bible, we need to establish a few ground rules.
Your opinions on The Good Book and its relevance to contemporary society are not the point here, so it will be helpful to leave them at the door. What we are discussing is whether there is objective, observable evidence of this Biblical phenomenon manifesting in reality.
And so I will present you with two separate yet also unmistakably linked events that occurred in the first decade of the 21st century: the collapse of the World Trade Centre Towers, and the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And their corresponding two dates: September 2001 and September 2008.
The Lehman Brothers collapse saw a 4.5% drop in one day, second only to when the stock market reopened on September 17, it saw one of the greatest one-day losses in history of 7.1%.
Two of the biggest geopolitical events leading to the two largest economic shocks of the decade, both happened to occur in September, at the end of Shemitah years exactly 7 years apart. What are the odds?
What about 2015? Nothing of note happened in that September, except perhaps for few Late Night TV show appointments, however there were several significant single day market drops.
But this is where the plot thickens. We also have a second cycle of 7 (third, if you count every Sabbath), or the year following the seventh Shemitah. This is the Jubilee: the 50th year, which represents both the final year of the old cycle and the first year of the new. In other words, a full year of Shemitah shenanigans, not just a month.
So, what evidence do we have that we might be in the Jubilee year?
Well, I will offer you this: in the last days of the Shemitah, just before Rosh Hashanah, we had the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth IN HER PLATINUM JUBILEE YEAR. The first ever British Monarch to reach that mark, and she just so happened to cark it, again, right at the end of the Shemitah.
Her death was, of course, closely followed by the not insignificant event of the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline between Russia and Europe, which resulted in the world being thrown into nuclear tensions not seen since the Cold War.
What further proof? Well, if this was just a normal Shemitah year, we would expect the festivities to be over by October. Well, it seems to me that things have only continued to ratchet up since then, with no obvious signs of slowing down.
What can we expect? Well, in short, an acceleration of geopolitical chaos towards a climax across August and September.
There are three particular events I would be watching out for, one probably sooner to really kick things off, and the others at the end, to close proceedings.
The first is specific to America, and it isn’t good news for Sleepy Joe.
The Jubilee is simultaneously both the end and the beginning of the Shemitah cycle. Therefore, we might expect there to find similarities with previous Jubilee years. The most recent would be 49 years ago, or 1974. What was the most significant geopolitical event of that Jubilee? The resignation of US President Richard Nixon, due to his impending impeachment as a result of the Watergate scandal, in August, just as our current cycle was about to begin. What do they say about history repeating, or at least rhyming?
Removal as President might be Sleepy Joe’s best outcome from this year: not just that he won’t be surviving the year politically, but perhaps even literally. That sounds a bit intense I know, but there is precedent for this, specifically the Curse of Tippecanoe: which has seen the uncanny trend of Presidents elected in years ending with zero carking it in office. Sure: Reagan and then Dubbya survived, but if ever the curse was going to be revived, The Jubilee year would certainly be the year to do it.
The second basically speaks for itself: the Shemitah and Jubilee are economic events, the transition from one financial cycle to another, so we would be expecting a significant economic shock, even at or beyond the scale of September 2001 and 2008.
The third you also may have heard of: a global-ish internet outage and reset event. The timing of this event at the end of Jubilee this September would align almost perfectly with the Predicted Programming pattern that many people have uncovered within popular entertainment, of reference to a world-shaking event on September 23.
Whatever does happen over the next 6 months, there is never an excuse for fear or panic: simply to expect the best, but prepare for the worst.