The Real Election Fraud Conspiracy
Ozpocalypse 2022 Election Diaries #3: The Washup (spoiler: i’m not Prime Minister yet)
Australia’s New Prime Minister, just in time for the Monkeypox chapter of our Germ Theory movie
Firstly, let me start with this: may I hereby announce a return to normal Down the Wombat Hole programming. Hold on to your tin foil terrain theorist Q-tard hats.
Yep, the Australian federal election is done and dusted, and the result is equal parts disappointing and unsurprising. Australia, teetering as it already was on the precipice of unprecedented germ theory compliance, has ended up further ensconced in the NWO/Great Reset timeline then we were under the previous palid, limp and beige regime.
In case you were wondering how I went, here is all you need to know in one colour-coded image:
Only 64.3% of the vote counted though… So you’re telling me there’s still a chance?
I am surprisingly chuffed with myself for someone propping up a leaderboard, because I gave it my all (as did everyone I worked alongside) and know I earned every single one of those votes. In fact, as someone who has just engaged in politics for the first time, I can confirm that undertaking an election campaign is an acutely and uniquely exhausting process. A cynical mind would even call it an energy trap: a carefully constructed ritual repeated every 3 to 4 years to channel the accumulated transformative energy of society into a dead-end charade.
Yet to cynically and simply judge the last two months on political outcomes would overlook the incredible shared human experience that it represented: a coming together of pissed-off people excluded from society by our leaders, with the passive (often active) consent of our fellow peers, deciding to engage in a political process that many openly don’t believe in, for the almost sole reason that it is the right thing to do and that it needs to be done.
And again, as we edge closer to our approaching apocalyptic transition phase, everything is best understood in terms of Revelation: the revealing of the system that has long been hidden, but is now being laid bare (seemingly on purpose) in front of the eyes of those who wish to see it.
With that in mind, I have some intel to share; be aware that this is a big claim coming from someone who has invested as much into election fraud conspiracies as I have.
Guys, I think I’ve worked out what the real election fraud conspiracy is, and I think we have gotten it wrong. This is the real plot: a conspiracy between and against the majority of the human population to defiantly and repeatedly vote against their own freedoms, their own long term best interests, their own future as sovereign beings, and most egregiously the future of their own children. Why? I think it was coz Climate Change, this time.
Now: that’s not to say there aren’t other election fraud conspiracies to be unveiled. My Trump Punters Telegram Channel is still lit, Sleepy Joe will still be cactus before the mid-terms, and we will no doubt see a range of election-related shenanigans come to light in the coming months Down-under (that we can be sure the mainstream media and public will steadfastly deny/ignore).
And oh boy am I here for all of it: the Ozpocalypse 2022 Election Diaries are far from complete. But I also really want to get back to taking shots at our satanic germ theory-spruiking elite: the heart cannot be denied.
Because at the end of the day, after all the campaigning, I am left with one unshakable question: why try to offer people change when they have made it clear they don’t want it? Wake my political animal up when the slumber ends, but until then I have some YouTube vids to catch up on.