Ozpocalypse 2022 Election Diary Updates: Not That Red Wave, Guy.
Ozpocalypse 2022 Election Diary Updates: Not That Red Wave, Guy.
For those not aware, the US midterm elections were not the only loosh-harvesting ritual that Democracy-believing Westerners participated in this November.
Still waiting for that Red Water Body to appear, MAGA-adjacent comrades? Welp, you were looking in the wrong hemisphere: a bright shade of crimson — perhaps not out of place on a sanitary product — has just been smeared upon the great-ish (let’s check back in 6 months) State of Victoria, Australia (aka The Lucky Covid Country, as designated by the Germ Conspiring script writers).
Australian politics is a troll’s delight at the most basic bitch of times: not in the least because Blue Team is actually the quote unquote Conservatives, who then decided to call themselves Liberals. Their previous contribution to National Leadership was a smarmy happy-clapper from marketing, and sometime before that we had the dude who ate a raw onion on the campaign trail.
Nothwithstanding this impressive precedent, the efforts of the Victorian Team Blue Elites felt particularly on the nose this iteration. Their second-time-round leader — and selected fake opposition to Team Red’s Dan the Manchild Andrews (more on Dan below) — is called Matthew Guy. Guy? For fuck sake, try harder guys.
If you get this meme, then: thankyou.
So, inevitably, we see an inexplicable third act for the OG Germ Conspiracist Downunder — wearer of a face that appears deliberately designed to trigger people in the Health Freedom movement.
To anyone in Victoria: don’t take this personally. I know you were faced with one of the most brutal false Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich choices ever imposed without consent on an unwitting, drugged-out population (Australia subscribes to the blatant natural law infringement that is Compulsory Voting, fyi, and remains steadfastly proud of it).
Yes: I know a record number of you voted for non-major party candidates, hopefully with some sort of phallic illustration carefully placed on the loosh-harvesting-ritual contract (see also: ballot) that you just signed — hopefully with a ball-point pen and not a Sharpie, pointed instrument of the Devil that it is.
I see you guys
Nonetheless: there is a reason why Melbourne Syndrome was immediately trending on Elon’s new and improved virtual/virtueless hellscape, whose relevance now rests entirely on the potential of just one more Orange tweet.
Elon started it, I finished it
To give you a sense of just how bad things are right now, Melbourne Syndrome was also trending when I originally wrote this article (shortly after the Manchild thought it would be fun to fly drones over people’s houses to make sure they weren’t celebrating watching our top-tier footy Grand Final wtfffff) and we are now a further two years into the hostage situation.
So… what? Regardless of your level of delight/disgust at the brutal (and, if I were to hypothesise based on his highly unconvincing victory celebration, involuntary) protraction of Dan the Manchild’s public career, absolutely no-one should be surprised.
What else would we expect? We know about the Epstein operation (now laid out in gory detail by Whitney Webb), and here in Australia, we know about the Wood Royal Commission.
It paints a picture of politics as a stage play, starred by puppets tied by the strings of financial entanglement and sexual blackmail, controlled for the loosh-harvesting ends desired — until/unless they decide to go rogue and accept being smeared publicly as a heinous creep… or perhaps disappear into the Sea like Harold Holt (anyone else feeling that vibe a bit too much right now?).
Barring some Qtard wet dream of mass arrests and swamp un-clogging, one can only assume it will continue that way: the only choice becomes to accept or reject.
Hey: if it takes someone who literally ran for politics 6 months (was it really 6 months?) ago to hypocritically trigger you into not giving a shit about politics (as anything other than sick entertainment, of course), then so be it.
With that in mind, and to finish this diary entry on a high: who’s looking forward to what plot twists they have planned to draw us back in next? With the return/arrest/assassination(?!) of Orange Man imminent, could we even see the Downunder Purple Elites offer up their trademark inverted parallel timeline and facilitate the rise of our very own Kari Lake (aged 10-20 years and with a Fish‘n’chips Shop upbringing), Indigenous-Culture-Denier-in-Chief, Orange Woman Bad?
Sound crazy? Only ‘coz you and I don’t see the world the same. Transhumanist-timeline-summoning troll-bot-Bro said it best: