Who’s Going to Tell Biden Supporters They Haven’t Won Yet?
November 10 2020: Seriously, someone needs to, because the media won’t.
Probably more accurate than Fox
Like many who follow elections and the intricacies of how they play intently, I have been absolutely astonished watching the coverage of the 2020 US Election by most mainstream news outlets.
The warning signs were there from the start: like fools rushing in, outlets were quick to jump on anything positive enough as to allow them to call states for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, but dragged their feet with the enthusiasm of an anti-vaxxer lining up for a potential future mandatory Covid shot when calling states for Republican candidate Donald Trump. It was almost like they were trying to create a certain narrative: one started by those once again (but even worse this time) awkwardly wrong polls (wrong regardless of whether Biden sneaks home or not); and continued with a deceptive portrayal of the state-by-state vote count, designed to create an impression that a Biden win was always assured.
Except, it wasn’t — and as always, we can know this best by following the money. Trump was paying around $2.70 as the election commenced: as the vote from swing states came in, and a Trumpslide suddenly appeared possible against all odds: Trump shortened to equal money, and then within half an hour (I have the screenshots to prove it, not that I was following closely or anything) shortened to an almost unbackable favourite. Still don’t believe? Even the Young Turks were freaking out.
There was basically universal opinion that they would lean clearly towards Biden: hence the preempted, predictive programming of the ‘Red Mirage’ warning people not to get sucked in by an early Trump lead. Election analysts aren’t idiots: are we saying they wouldn’t have factored this variable into their analyses when the odds flipped drastically within the space of almost an hour? They knew the state of play, and knew that a swing back to Biden to some extent would occur. But what they had apparently decided, if we are to judge by the chaos that swept across the mainstream news channels as this reality emerged, was that the universal trend across swing states was so decisively towards Trump that any such re-adjustment wouldn’t be enough.
So what happened? Americans went to sleep on election night with Trump ahead in the majority of these key swing states, yet woke up to a chaotic swing that suddenly had Biden with the most assured path to victory. NOTHING SUSS.
If you have read a politics article on Medium in the last few days, you know what the state of play has progressed to since: the election is for all intents and purposes over, with Biden the official President elect. The only problem is, thanks to the deceptive efforts of our media overlords, this is simply not the case.
It seems that the Democrats and their supporters, not to mention the rest of the public who cared little about the election but are suddenly becoming experts, have descended into a severe bout of wishful thinking: choosing to flat out ignore pesky issues like ongoing counting, pending re-counts, claims of voter fraud and recently lodged legal cases in swing states.
A more accurate depiction of the current state of play (source)
Unfortunately for them, wishful thinking doesn’t typically change illegal votes to legal ones, and I’d say it is even less likely to influence the law: something, through the Supreme Court, that Trump has ultimate control over. Wishful thinking is also dangerous, as you can see with the jubilant celebrations (just don’t call them super spreaders) that have already emerged, indicating people who have utterly no comprehension that this election is by no means settled and is in fact hurtling towards a vexed and potentially brutal type of law-fare. How do you think these people celebrating like the fate of the world has just been saved are going to cope if the result goes to a Republican-dominated court system for Trump to emerge victorious?
It’s concerning, regardless of your enthusiasm for this outcome — especially when you have close family caught up it, like I do. So what can be done?
Obviously, we can try to tell them. But unless they see it within the confines of the media organisations that have lead them this far, it hardly seems likely they will listen. There will be some people who will not be budged in their unshakeable belief that a Biden win is assured. Such people will choose to discard without hesitation and in their totality these wild testimonies of widespread, varied and in many instances highly creative voter fraud flying around social media. But they may well be walking straight off a mental cliff.