Orange Man, Sleepy Joe and the American Wet Dream

This is getting gross guys, stop it.

What the fuck America?

Sorry for the profanity, but this is as close to a NSFW burrow that Down the Wombat Hole will descend to, so may as well set the tone up front.

Not content with firstly foisting the Pussy-Grabbing, Daughter-Luster in Chief upon an unsuspecting prudish populace, now we have to sit through this?

No, I’m not talking about the objectively-hilarious highlights of your current dementia-inflicted Presidency, peaking (we thought) with that fall walking up those stairs, yet somehow now bettered by the recent transcendent (if suspiciously-staged) bike toppling incident.

I’m talking about the fact that Sleepy Joe is objectively a hideous creep (well, the real one was — this current cloned/masked version is more than likely asexual), and that this creepiness extends in eye-watering, pearl-clutching fashion to his immediate offspring.

Your current and former Presidents are creeps — it’s as simple as that — and that has to say something about you as well (yes: i’ve heard every Obama conspiracy don’t worry, but let’s leave that for another time). I don’t care if The Don actually did take down the pedo ring, he was only able to do it because he knows their kind so well.

Too harsh? Don’t care: The Troll in Chief has arguably been the biggest terrain theorist disappointment of the entire pandemic — admitted germophobe that he is — and i’m still pissed that I got conned.

As a brief aside, it must be noted that Australia isn’t innocent when it comes to political creepers. It is an open secret that our elite institutions are engaged in a cover up of a high-level pedophile ring. In 2015, since-retired Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan spoke before a parliamentary inquiry, bringing to light a Police list of 28 prominent pedophiles — including a former prime minister and high ranking members of the judiciary:

There is barely a mainstream minute, it goes without saying, given to the list of 28. There is, however, a growing mainstream sentiment that Canberra is filled by a bunch of creepers. Perhaps the main reason why our new beige and lifeless Prime Minister, Anthony “Albo” Albanese, was ushered in to his position so conclusively was because he offers a geeky, sexless political archetype: mild, unthreatening and virtually devoid of masculinity.

Our last iteration, Scott Morrison, had close ties to former head Pastor of Hillsong Church, Brian Houston, who recently resigned in shame over inappropriate text messages (and whose father was a notorious creeper and convicted child abuser). His Prime Ministership was regularly upstaged by allegations of gross male behaviour by various party stooges — even though I know its part of the NWO script, it’s still a relief to see them get a proper (political) spanking.

That’s not to say Albo is completely free of innuendo. If we apply the same nickname protocol that we did to his predecessor ScoMo, we are left with the sublime AnAl. And elected just as the MonkeyPox psy-op was commenced, now morphing into a slightly ominous depopulate-the-Gays, HIV 2.0 thing? The Simulation works in mysterious ways.

So yanks, what the heck happens next?

Everyone in the anti-Jibby Jab community sees the future primarily through the lens of the Covid scam, specifically the public awakening to the level of deceit at play. Toby Rodgers take:

“Republicans, who understand vaccine injury better than Democrats at this point, will win the November midterm elections, the 2024 Presidential election, and the majority of local, state, and federal elections for the foreseeable future. Republicans will control all of the appropriations committees and oversight committees that have purview over HHS, FDA, CDC, and NIH. Fauci, Walensky, Califf, and Marks will all quickly retire to avoid being called to testify.”

Let’s hope so.

MAGA-land is more focused on how the election fraud stuff plays out, and how that will shape US politics. You might have to excuse me a moment.

*Dons Qtard hat*

Let’s war game. Orange Man is officially criminally charged by the treasonous Dems as a logical, pre-planned end point for the Jan 6 hearings (perhaps or perhaps not leading to a public perp walk, hoo boy), knowing they are about to get wiped out at the mid-terms, opening the election fraud floodgates. Arrests start happening everywhere, quite possible lead by the military. Qtards lose their minds and possibly pants, finally. Maybe the script writers even hold off on announcing the Queen’s death/descent to the Underworld for this very moment.


But what if that all is a show? A scripted distraction from the bipartisan creepiness that will truly dictate the future of the Land of the Free?

All this pedo-adjacent stuff — lead proudly by the incest-adjacent Bidens — will go mainstream, and people will suddenly see through the red/blue theatrics and understand it as the ghoulish spectacle that it is.

Then what? Let’s consider two timelines.

Conservative centrists will be shocked and appalled, and they will consent to voting in ultra-conservative/MAGA-lites across the board: upright, God(god)-fearing Americans in office, after all, finally.

Meanwhile, the woke brigade will react by pushing the boundaries of decency even further: revelations of the creepiness of their political heroes will result, just you wait for it, in the full normalisation of pedophilia in a significant proportion of the population.

Thus we — sorry, you — will be left with a potentially explosively, culturally-divided society. Unless the ultra-conservative MAGA-lites end up being creepers as well, in which case the timelines collapse and you (sorry we, because of course we will follow dutifully along in the descent) might be going full Sodom and Gomorrah.


Are They About to Try and Depopulate the Gays Again?


Biophilia, Biophobia and Western Fragility