Are They About to Try and Depopulate the Gays Again?
Rhetorical Question
I, like most other ‘Rona-dissident unsuitables, have found much enjoyment in the roll-out of the Monkeypox psy-op.
“I know i’m early, but i’m also anti-Monkeypox jab haha 😏”
“The K is silent lolz 🤑”
“Ahh it’s just the sodomites they are targeting this time, phew 😅”.
Yeh… am I the only one who is starting to get a bit uncomfortable with the direction this is heading?
I mean, they have tried this before, haven’t they? While the whole HIV/Aids thing was probably concocted to try and decimate the blacks in Africa, once they stopped playing along it morphed into a pretty clear cut attempt at depopulating the gays.
And you don’t even have to be virus-denying-curious to go this deep into germ conspiracism; as adequately addressed by many of our ‘Rona-dissident Rockstars — notably the golden child himself RFKjnr — the whole thing was a stitch up: created through a dodgy antibody test, before the poor Fauci-believing Western gays were fed a knock-off chemotherapy poison as the cure.
You realise the Germ Conspiracists — lead by The Doctor in White — killed off Freddie Mercury, right? Try watching Rami Malek sing Bohemian Rhapsody at Live Aid again with that in mind.
Another one bites the dust.
The potential link between Jibby Jabs and queerness is already pretty spicy. Once they start rolling out an experimental Jab aimed specifically at gay men, I think we might have to raise the alert level a notch.
If that is starting to sound a bit bleak, here is a fun inversion to consider.
All the hardcore spiritual warfare, Bible-leaning folk who were some of the first to catch on to the ‘Rona BS? If the Monkeypox psy-op officially displaces the ‘Rona psy-op, one might expect this demographic to go a bit quieter — defending the gays isn’t quite their cup of tea.
Which is ok, no judgment: there are many people who are more than ready to escape the intense heat of the anti-Jibby Jab kitchen, after all. Because it is quite possible that they will be replaced by a new breed of woke anti-Jibby Jabbers: those who can justify this previously untenable stance because it allows them to simultaneously virtue signal to the pronouns crowd.
Bipartisan Jibby Jab singularity? Hook that hopium straight into my veins.
“There will come a time none of them will be able to walk down the street”