On Fake Great Awakenings and Great Fake Resets
Time for a conspiracy community check-in, and we are going deep for this one.
Ok guys, what’s going on at the moment?
No, I’m not interested in anything remotely New Age leaning here: “we will manifest the future we deserve etc.” yes yes I know this: that’s for our own spheres of influence.
I’m talking about objective events, real world plans and actions by the people running the show that will dictate the real world trajectory of our species into the near future — and the subsequent choices that we, as freedom-orientated individuals, will be required to make in response.
Are we — in our white-pilled scenario — in the final stages of the seemingly desperate darkness that in fact heralds the arrival of a dazzling New Earth Eden 1000 Years of Peace dawn… or, at the very least, an extended period of relative global serenity?
Or do we — in our black-pilled scenario — have perhaps 6 to 12 months to get ourselves off grid and prepped before the 10 days of darkness finally hits, after which the Crabby Patty chum-buckets descend over the eyes of the jabbed masses, into the clutches of the Transhumanists, and our society becomes permanently partitioned and schismed? (If you didn’t get that Crabby Patty reference, you will by the end.)
Let’s take stock and work through some potential future timelines, using two now ubiquitous and ominously similar conspiracy catch phrases: The Great Awakening and The Great Reset.
That’s a bold move, putting the Freemasonic checkerboard floor right there Dave
As a sombre starting point, we should stop and pay our respects to The Great Awakening, given it has been forever tarnished with its association to us Qtards. It never should have come to this: you don’t have to be invested in the satanic elite pedo Orange Man saviour timeline to have legitimate hope that a mass ascending shift in societal consciousness is closer than the rays coming from our local sun.
But my issue with The Great Awakening has nothing to do with Q itself; if we understand what the audience of Q was, then it absolutely succeeded in initiating a Great Awakening within that target population (I have opinions on Q for days, fyi).
As psy-ops go, this one will take some beating
This is my issue with The Great Awakening: it assumes that the pre-destiny of the majority of the human population is to “wake up”.
The people reading this post have almost certainly gone through such an awakening process, at least over the last 2 and half years, and quite probably before that. Us Covid-dissidents are a disparate lot (despite how we are depicted from the outside), but what we all share is a high value placed on bodily freedom — along with an equal distrust of institutions that exist to restrict these freedoms.
I like to think I am red-pilled on freedom. You don’t sit through hours upon hours of ex-Satanist (now God-pilled) Mark Passio charging anyone who believes in any form of earthly authority as a bad person (as I have done, and would recommend: starting here) without gaining a deep reverence for the pursuit of individual autonomy and sovereignty.
Honestly, if you haven’t sat through at least one Passio rant on the inherent immorality of Government, are you even a spiritual anarchist?
I guarantee I’ve spent more time in the last 15 years living by myself and designing my life on my own terms than almost everyone reading this. But yet (and I acknowledge this is a controversial thing to say to a room of Freedom-identified people): there is more to life than freedom.
We wanted out of the matrix — we felt neither at home nor welcome there — but that is us. Let’s not be too quick to project that on to other people, lest we mirror their assumptions that everyone is as keen as mustard to become hooked into the meta-borg-verse as they are.
To expand on this point, and to paraphrase Olivia Newton-John: let’s get meta-physical.
The spirit world is mysterious and largely unknowable to us, as we languish here, living in the material world. Souls clearly come here for a variety of reasons, to presumably earn/learn enlightenment in many different ways.
I like to think every soul understands the scope and limitations of their assignment before they commence, and that we retain some trace of that knowledge — through our intuition — as we pass through our journey. I tend to now believe — having observed just how satisfied and content many seem, staying within the shackles that could never hold others down — that forgoing Freedom, at least at this point in their life and out history, was part of the deal they signed up to.
Is it not true that a soul can exist in absolute material slavery, yet still grow to be perfectly free within themselves within these constraints? This isn’t a reason to permit slavery or to normalise people languishing there, but just an observation — and perhaps a reason to be more at peace with the compliance that so many of our peers have chosen.
This an Awakening for sure, and surely a significant one, but let’s just park the need for it to be Great for now.
Turns out we have been here before.
Let’s get back to earthly matters at hand.
I agree with The Great Awakening timeline to this extent: that the majority of the population will soon learn (if they haven’t already) that the warnings we were mocked for giving them were warranted — that the psychopaths were indeed in charge. But, for the aforementioned reasons and more, I don’t agree that this revelation will automatically lead to the kind of profound spiritual changes and collective evolutionary leap forward that the Galactic Federation does.
In fact, it is this uncomfortable realisation that the psychopaths were and may well still be in charge — this humbling and shocking truth — that will be the same reason why many will choose to remain.
The matrix, the simulation, while frequently abusive, is also very attractive; it offers and promises much, not the least in its offer and promise of safety and surety from what seems like a dark, confusing and chaotic world on the outside.
And, it serves to remind ourselves: there are people who are right now making the world on the outside — the world where freedom and spiritual anarchy reign — to appear as dark, confusing and chaotic as they can.
I don’t think we — as the creators of this parallel society — have done enough to make it attractive and welcoming enough to give people, those who might be on the fence, the incentive to take a chance and make their escape.
What seems more likely to me is a gradual and progressive wake up period, maybe over a decade or more, as we devolve further down the Transhumanist timeline, and the reality of it really starts to sink in for those plugged in. But before that — to really kick off in earnest the descent away from Natural Law — I think we will need a circuit breaker.
Poor dude had no idea what he was signing himself up for with this photoshoot
And this leads us to our second conspiracy concept — The Great Reset — where we find the use of the word “great” again very much up for debate.
Things are going to get rough soon, that seems wholly unavoidable now. Even if The Great Awakening gives me the finger and occurs overnight as promised, the real and irreversible damage inflicted on behalf of Germ Theory since the start of 2020 — damage to our biology, damage to our society, damage to our spirit — has our species locked in to a difficult immediate future.
What also seems unavoidable is that we will experience some sort of inflection point, where our trajectory will be fundamentally altered — not least because it is the clear and obvious intention of those running the shitshow. But, also, as I proposed previously: because we are coming to (if not at) the end of our current growth cycle, following which Nature requires a heady phase of collapse and reorganisation.
So what happens then? If you have the time and the stomach for it, I would invite you to watch this short video, made by my favourite ex-Con chronologist and simulation theorist (you will be happy to know that he agrees Sleepy Joe will be toast by the mid-terms).
To briefly summarise: the video is not revelatory in its prediction of an impending 10-days-of-darkness-esque Reset Event — this is bread and butter Qtard stuff, after all.
It isn’t even revelatory in its suggestion that the Reset Event will be highly manufactured: a happening planned by the psychopaths years if not decades in advance, as the Coup de Grâce to usher in their New World Order (is it ok to be mildly excited to find out just how dystopian it ends up being?) — this is standard black-pilled stuff, after all.
What initially triggered me (I was still pretty invested in The Great Awakening timeline at this point) was the prediction of just how many people will accept the offered Faustian transhumanist wet dream bargain. But, to be honest, the more I reflect on it, the more it makes sense.
If we follow ex-Con’s lead and place the Reset Event at mid-2023, that is a full further year of the current purposeful chaos and societal degradation-by-design, quite possibly taking an accelerated trajectory. That’s going to be wild, regardless of how aware of and prepared for it you are.
We should not underestimate, after such a sustained period of psychic assault, just how attractive the pull of a Reseted Matrix will be at this time of truce in our current spiritual war — the promise of being happy, even if it requires also owning nothing.
It’s not like the World Economic Forum invented the idea, after all
We should also (and this is where we take things a level deeper) not underestimate the measures that have already been put in place to ensure such an outcome.
Here’s a much shorter video to watch, this time a scene from the iconic Spongebob Squarepants movie (apologies for the poor quality, although the handheld camera does add something):
As with an increasing number of allegedly children’s movies, the underlying theme is incredibly advanced and downright conspiratorial: that the majority of the population has been gifted something that will later be activated in order to enslave them. It is so on the nose that i’m sure I don’t need to fill in the gaps for you.
Now, yes, it is a bit overdramatic in terms of its downright disturbing (remember, revered children’s entertainment show we are talking about here) vision of the compliers being turned against the dissidents — I would suspect we will be happily left to our own devices in our parallel societies, as long as we don’t attempt to shake up the simulation too much.
But I think the underlying proposition remains highly relevant: it may not be down to an individual’s free will at that point in time as to whether they succeed in breaking away from the Borg — certain decisions made have already locked them in to the Reset in ways we can’t yet comprehend.
In such instances, it would be heartbreaking for anyone watching on from the outer — even if it is from 5D — to see them get dragged back in, believing in our hearts that they were out. The urge to slip into the saviour archetype and jump back in would be strong.
These are not particularly pleasant future timelines to consider. But as I said at the start, this is not a post for the Love and Lighters.
The Covid Event has been characterised by heinous transgressions made against Free Will and Natural Law, which the majority of society has not felt compelled to push back against (even though they too were on the receiving end of these transgressions). In doing so, our society has already signed — in the spiritual domain — many of its future freedoms away, and the consequences of that deal cannot be avoided... unless you are materially and spiritually in a place to literally remove yourself from that society.
If this much prophesied and hypothesised Reset Event does occur soon — this culmination of both the Great Awakening and Great Reset timelines — it will present as a defining moment for every one of us, in our own way.
Even if we feel like we are completely aware and prepared for what we believe is to come — to make a break and go our own way — we almost certainly aren’t: that seems to be the way life works. It serves no-one to assume they too won’t feel that pull back in… even if that pull arises comes from the urge to help our loved ones back out.
And even if that’s how it ends up, it would be fine, would it not? That is what The One Great Work — a future timeline where this much overused adjective is truly apt — is all about, after all.