False Flags and the Germ Inversion
What do Muslims and Viruses have in common? No, not in that way, racist.
After a short political hiatus from normal terrain theorist programming, I’m coming out hard with one of the big conspiracy guns: the False Flag.
The False Flag is one of the most misinterpreted conspiracy concepts. Many assume it to mean when an entire event has been faked (i.e. there is a book literally called “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” that alleges the infamous mass shooting was simply a FEMA drill at an abandoned primary school and ooo boy even Alex Jones got cancelled for this one so I’m backing out). It is better understood as an act of blame shifting: where the party responsible for a mass casualty event carries it out in such a way that points the blame on a different (usually oppositional) party.
If you ever stole a cookie from the cookie jar when you were young, despite knowing there is a high likelihood you would get caught, so you decided to frame your sibling… then congratulations! You and George W. Bush have more in common than you would like to believe.
Before we get to the main point of this article, let’s have some fun and run through some of the juiciest (alleged) false flag events in modern history.
The Titanic
What’s that? You thought that the Leo and Kate-approved reading of this iconically (arguably comically) disastrous episode in history may not have been telling the true story? Hollywood would never do such a thing! Watch where you are putting those hands Leo you creep.
The Titanic false flag theory — like the propaganda piece that has succeeded in distracting us from how ridiculous it was for the most important cruise in history to hit a fucking iceberg — is an absolute belter: the satanists wanted to financially control America through the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, so they torpedoed/paid off the captain to inexplicably steer it into an ice field at night in order to sink it for the sole reason of removing from this mortal coil 3 men — John Jacob Astor, perhaps the richest man in the world at the time, as well as fellow wealthy businessmen Isidor Strauss and Benjamin Guggenheim — who all steadfastly opposed the creation of the foreign central bank. Follow the money (until it reaches a certain bloodline, then stop)?
Pearl Harbour
Turns out, wasn’t actually the Nips who did this one, as some would have it (well, it wasn’t the Nips’ fault at least: those kamikazes were real). The pesky satanists/globalists just needed a way to get the US into World War 2. Didn’t they make a nauseatingly patriotic Hollywood movie about this one — swapping out Leo for the objectively inferior Ben Affleck — in order to imprint the approved bloodline narrative into the collective consciousness as well?
JFK Assassination
They made a Hollywood movie about this one too, in 1991. Although it was by Oliver Stone — now Putin comrade — and literally alleged a false flag conspiracy involving the CIA and the Vice President, and it even won Best Picture!
Wait… you were allowed to be conspiracy theorists back then? What’s changed now? Sellouts.
I’ve already written a deep dive on this one. Spoiler: it wasn’t Muslims with box cutters.
So, back to the fun question that we opened with: what do Muslims and viruses have in common?
Both, in their own ways, have become go-to bad guys of the Western World. They are the enemies within: constant threats to the peace, whose inherent potential for destruction must be subject to constant vigilance by intelligence agencies and/or overzealous health bureaucrats.
What if they have both been falsely accused?
What if, at least in the case of 9/11, it was not fanatic, surprisingly skilled behind a commercial airplane wheel, bearded box-cutting Middle Easterners who were to blame?
What if, in the case of the root cause of human disease, it was not intercellular, interbodily and even interplanetary (research panspermia) travelling micro-organisms who are to blame?
What if, in both cases, we have had a swifty pulled on us, and the real culprits are those who have been most ardent in their accusations against the innocent parties? What if — if we consider the Military Industrial Complex and Big Pharma two arms of the same group of elite bankers/wankers — the culprits are actually the same people?
Then who are these (hypothetical) masters of misdirection? Good question.
I can’t tell you who they (allegedly) are, but I can make an observation about what they do.
They are the inverters. Not just for fun: it is essentially their reason for existing, to invert what was previously considered proper.
As Paul Kingsnorth describes eloquently, they have succeeded in turning our culture into one defined by inversion: the dying throes of “Western” elites intent on uprooting every aspect of the culture they inherited:
“The West’s ongoing decline has caused its elites to lose faith in their cultural inheritance, and this loss of faith has now reached pathological proportions. As a result, the leading lights in Western society — the cultural elites, and sometimes the political and economic elites too — are dedicated not to upholding the cultural forms they inherited, but to turning them on their heads, or erasing them entirely.”
Too harsh? Well, I would go even further, and say that the level of inversion extends beyond culture and into biology. And when I say biology, I don’t mean the current amusing debate that has peaked at whether people with pee pees can give birth to tiny humans.
How about the word ‘germ’ itself? Compare its current negative treatment in the modern vernacular, with the root meaning of the word. Why, how, to what end has a word that literally means the origin of life come to be understood as a constant and pervasive threat to life? Where else but in a world that has normalised inversion could such an etymological-180 be achieved?
Churchill would be proud.
This is not normal. Bacteria, viruses, even parasites are the most crucial and fundamental forms of life within nature; some estimates say we have more microbial cells in our bodies than actual human cells. How have we gotten to this point, where we now resign the noble Germ without thought or evidence to being the root cause of so much of our pain and suffering?
Have we inverted them in a biological sense — through our own genetic manipulations, experimenting and tinkering with Creation in the way that we feel compelled to do — in a way that is now coming back around in karmic viral vengeance?
Or have we simply inverted them in our minds, in our collective psychology, thanks to a nasty case of biophobia?
Maybe a little from column A, maybe a little from column B? I’ll let you be the judge.