When We Create Together

Introducing Wholesome Conspiratorial Drumming, beginning with The Nickelback Redemption.

Turns out, it is far easier and more fun (for me anyway) to play drums than guitar. While I will persist — like we all must do in any creative endeavour — I think my creative musical expression is far better oriented towards hitting shit really hard in a rhythmical manner.

Where to start? How about the most cringe and uncool of places: Nickelback. Not at all Emo, or Conspiratorial, or Apocalyptic, or any of my usual faves… yet somehow comfortingly appropriate for our current times. 

Sure, you can argue that it is super corny and cliche to advocate for unconditional unity in the gruff yet sincere way that only Chad Kroeger (and perhaps the lead singer of Creed) can pull off. And, yes, When We Stand Together would fit perfectly in the background of a shiny NATO propaganda film hastily produced by Mark Hamill and Bono to aid the Globalist goal of squeezing out a few more billion from another cucked out Western leader before the Ukraine pyramid scheme finally collapses. 

Still, the Bridge (“The right thing to guide us is right here inside us” etc.) saves the day, particular when it transcends into a made-for-beginners drum solo opportunity. Plus: if you can’t admit that Chad absolutely nailed the “yeh-yehs” in the chorus then… well, you are more cynical and black-pilled than I am. 

Anyway: back to unity. This is what I believe (and they are my beliefs alone, even if they come from someone who has almost certainly spent more time researching black-pill-inducing conspiracy shiz than you). 

I believe the majority of people who deviate from conventional understandings of sexuality and gender have no desire for their sexuality or gender to be paraded around, militarised, enforced, and especially pushed on children — they simply want to be accepted for who they find themselves to be in a world that is designed to deliberately confuse (and divide) us along sexuality and gender lines. 

I also believe that the majority of religious-minded people are that way inclined because they have found a spiritual path that has personally benefited them greatly, and have no desire for their personal beliefs to be applied universally. Yes, many do seek to actively convert others to their spiritual worldview (hey, I was even one of them!). While I now see such attempts as emerging from a vastly simplified understanding of the highly-modified and tinkered-with species that is Humanity — where the range and depth of individual human experiences are far more diverse and complex than we can comprehend — I believe such action predominately comes from a place of love: the genuine desire for the benefits we have received to be imparted on others.

I would also like to believe that, when it comes down to the crunch, these people would not consent to their religious beliefs being enforced onto a population by the State for Their Own Good (I am a bit shakier on this belief — coz, well, the Middle East — but let’s stay optimistic). 

Heck, if we are going down this route, let’s go full ‘Rona. I believe that the vast majority of people who supported the Jibby Jab did so because they genuinely believed in the world-saving Jibby Jab storyline that the Germ Conspiracists have been slowly and methodically constructing over the last 100 years or so since The Germ Inversion first commenced — and, when they realised they had been conned (like we all have, in some way, when our own weaknesses are targeted), they owned it and moved on and WILL NEVER FALL FOR THE SAME BOLLOCKS AGAIN.

Perhaps one of the greatest tricks being used to divide us right now is to make us believe that the extremists and Natural Law Deniers within a defined group of people are actually representative of the general beliefs of that group, rather than the vocal minority. This promotes a tendency to assume the worst of someone whose worldview we disagree with, when in almost every circumstance we are in no position to judge that person’s intentions, nor to understand the circumstances from which their beliefs arise from.

Having said all that, and despite the vastly underestimated diversity that exists within humanity, there are always universal qualities that bind us together: and one of those is the ability to create. Not creating as in creating anything physical or material (not that that wouldn’t be an added bonus!), but creating for Creation’s sake, as a way of capturing as honestly as possible our own personal experience of this reality. 

The more we rely on creativity as a defining characteristic of the human experience, and the more we share our attempts at creating — as out-of-tune, or cringe, or uncomfortable, or vulnerable, or as deeply personal as they might be; whether it be gratuitously-shirtless drumming, or guitar, or yoga, or poetry, or memes, or photography, or selfies, or Emo reels, or dancing, or rollerskating, or cooking, or gardening, or being a parent, or any form of creativity that cannot be simply defined — the more we invite each other to be pulled back into this universal connection. 

Sure, the internet appears to fast descending into a troll-bot-infested moral wasteland governed by a malevolent AI overlord (no not Elon, the supernatural one), but who says we can’t have a bit of wholesomely creative, life-affirming fun while digital Rome burns?


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