We Were Born From A Shooting Star: A Conspiracy Song Story
Unrelated question: do you think I could write a wholesome flat earth children’s book?
Try looking at that mesa as a giant tree stump (Photo by Thomas Bennie on Unsplash)
There are some songs that you knew you liked, but never really knew why. And then you wonder if they might be about flat earth.
Not from the lyrics, in this case, although I’m sure there are some coded flat earth tributes sprinkled throughout popular music that we are completely unaware of. This song doesn’t have lyrics, but it does have title:
We Were Born From A Shooting Star.
Now, to be clear, I have no idea if the guy who wrote this song is actually a flat earther or not. His artist name is Endless Melancholy, which hits the perfect sweet spot between honesty and self-deprecation.
Why could he be a flat earther? Well, this is how the conspiracy goes.
We don’t live on a spinning ball. But, actually a flat plane. A realm.
And above our heads is not space.
It is a dome; the firmament.
Bang, right there.
The sun, the moon, are right there as well, spinning above our heads.
Hi there, local sun and moon.
But beyond that are the stars.
What are stars?
No-one really knows.
Maybe hints of the light from above, from beyond, from God.
Every time someone new arrives on our flat earth,
Arrives from whatever the source of that light is,
They come through as a flash.
We are literally born from a shooting star!
The idea of the earth being flat doesn’t have to be the subject of hate and division.
Actually, it is ridiculous: ridiculous that such a fun concept could be so ridiculed.
It’s not even a real conspiracy;
No-one gets hurt, except egos, if it is true.
The point is not whether you believe in flat earth or not.
The point is that you, that we all, get to the stage where it doesn’t matter if someone believes it or not.