A Tale of Two “Scientists”

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Time for a mainstream news conspiracy check-up!

Firstly, where else could we start but the newly ready-to-mingle William Gates, whose public reputation and chances of becoming real life Doctor Evil have taken an alarming nose dive within the last 7 or so days — a plummet of the likes usually reserved for someone who has past links to notorious elite pedophile handlers.

Oh wait, is that because he does? Oh dear, Billy boy! What were you thinking, hanging out on Mr. Epstein’s private plane a full three years after Juvy-luvin-Jeffey pleaded guilty to soliciting an underage girl in Florida? No wonder poor Melinda is chucking you under the bus.

(Also, I’m happy to proliferate the completely unsubstantiated theory that the real reason the media is starting to go hard on Willy is because he is about to flip and sing like the proverbial bird — watch this space).

You may have also seen the latest conspiracy-gone-mainstream: news articles about the potential origins of SARS-Covid-2 in a Wuhan laboratory.

Now, I have mixed emotions about this. Firstly, no false humility here: I was on to this one early.

But I’m not especially happy that I was. It definitely fed into an existing anti-China narrative that had emerged alongside Covid. It still has a bit of a whiff of a pro-West psy-op about it, especially now that it is getting serious air time from suspiciously establishment voices — not least former head of the CDC.

The suddenly coordinated hit job, mainly from right-leaning establishment media, now smells at least a bit racisty, and at the very least is a chance for some good ol’ gratuitous Commie bashing.

I think a disclaimer is clearly needed when touching this topic, in that I have nothing against China as a country. I have many issues with their Government — the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) — but I’m assuming many Chinese people would as well. It is also hard to deny that, even if the worst said about them is true, the CCP have not done close to the nefarious misdeeds that Western Governments have.

Because, of course, when you look at the nitty gritty of this story, you see that it is notorious characters from the West that play starring roles, and are more than likely the ones actually pulling the strings. No, not just ol’ mate Batchelor Bill.

Leaving aside the role of China, the best thing this story can do is finally bring the curtain down on the reputation of hopefully no-ones still favourite medical talking head Tony Fauci, who has more red flags by this point than the boardroom of CCP headquarters.

Anyway, if you want the original conspiracy hot take, look no further. There are even two options!

You can go the streamlined version, sculpted carefully as to be somewhat palatable to my now defunct Medium readership.

Or, you can go the full glorious conspiracy deep dive, with added wombats to sweeten the deal.

In doing so, you also get the opportunity to time warp back to July last year, where the images of a gasping George Floyd were juxtaposed both by Democrats dressing themselves in culturally appropriated traditional African garb and then kneeling for almost 10 minutes for a staged photo shoot that they somehow thought was a good idea, and of course by The Don seemingly inexplicably holding a Bible perhaps upside down in front of a church.

Holy moly, what a dumpster fire 2020 was, ey? I’m sure 2021 will be a walk in the park in comparison…

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