Why These "Vaccines" Are Actually Just Therapeutics
And why this ends the narrative for vaccine mandates.
Photo by little plant on Unsplash
There is a quote from my favourite ex-Fremantle Dockers AFL coach Chris Connolly that has stuck with me: “it is about the journey, not the destination”. It is a fitting quote for a Freo supporter — given we have never arrived at the ultimate destination, and appear unlikely to do so anytime soon: hence ‘enjoying the moment’ becomes a necessity. However, it is also a fantastic piece of broader life advice — one that we might re-phrase more simply as the need to focus on the ‘process’, not the ‘outcome’.
Now, I do believe we are headed for a better world, and that we will make it through this current fairly substantial hiccup. But all I have in that regard is faith, because obviously I can’t tell the future, and I presume none of you can either. What we can do is focus on what we can do now — in our own lives, in our own ways — to create the better world we know is possible.
For me, the most urgent step in this betterment ideal is to distance ourselves as a society from the idea of Covid vaccine mandates — given it is literally threatening to divide society in half.
Spoiler: I haven’t had the jibby jab (and I certainly would like to keep it that way) but whether I ultimately do or do not is not my primary concern right now, given there is so much out of our hands as to whether such an intrusion by the State is forced onto us due to our circumstance.
My focus — to channel the aforementioned piece of wisdom — is to do whatever I can to wake people up to how flawed the logic is behind these mandates throughout my process of resistance. If I succeed in managing to expose this ridiculousness during my journey, then presumably whatever destination I arrive at will be the correct one. From a mental health perspective, it also has the benefit of creating detachment from the anxiety of a potential outcome, or the anger that such a destination is even possible.
There is, in good news, plenty of ridiculousness to expose. With that in mind, I want to share my thoughts on how to counter the narrative for these mandates — including some of the best resources we currently have at our disposal to aid in this process.
Let’s start with some basics. This discussion revolves around the ability of these ‘vaccines’ to reduce infection and transmission of Covid: that is, to confer immunity. This is the central property of a vaccine that makes it different from an ordinary medicine/therapeutic that simply makes you better, and in turn why there is a ‘Greater Good’ argument for it to be mandated. This is taken directly from the definition of a vaccine provided by our Federal Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (emphasis mine):
“Vaccines protect you and the people around you from serious and life-threatening diseases. There are some people in the community who cannot be vaccinated because they are too young or too sick. Widespread vaccination helps protect these people by making it more difficult for a disease to spread.”
Let’s be very clear here: this initial promise of this vaccine and the current push for it to be mandated is based on its ability not just to protect ourselves, but to protect others. However, if all we have on our hands is a therapeutic — something that can lessen severity of symptoms of Covid but not provide immunity from it — that’s a separate discussion. It is still an essential discussion to have, but one we can start to have in good faith — comparing pros and cons alongside other potential therapeutics — once the unnecessarily divisive issue of mandates is put to bed.
(Side note: if someone is still trying to argue that a therapeutic with a known rare side effect of death should be mandated to people for their own health so as to stop them clogging up the hospital system, they might be a proper Communist, so run.)
So, the million dollar question: does this Definitely A Vaccine confer immunity to Covid-19 and hence stop people from being infected by and passing on the virus? Actually, let’s start with a better question: why would we expect it to?
Remember, these vaccines are not generating antibodies against the entire SARS-CoV-2 virus, but against a single spike protein from the original ‘Alpha’ strain, which has now been almost completely superseded by the ‘Delta’ mutation. Such specific antibodies will likely help in fighting the severity of the Covid-19 disease that is caused by this virus, but it seems illogical to expect full immunity to be achieved until we have developed antibodies for the entire virus — something only infection can provide, until/unless an alternative mode of vaccination comes along.
But that’s just my common sense analysis: let’s see what the actual “scientists” say (and I say “scientists”, because these are the figureheads and organisations that we have been told are the offical arbiters of science in this day and age). Here is the Director of the CDC stating in surprisingly unambiguous language that vaccination no longer stops transmission, and — seemingly in one fell swoop — also owning herself and her Organisation’s push for mandatory vaccines.
Look: I don’t trust her, or Fauci, or the other prominent vaccination voices who are now making this surprise admission, because their agenda is clearly to vaccinate as many people as possible. And I haven’t agreed with most of the things they have said previously, so who am I to say they are now suddenly telling the truth. Still, you gotta take all the help you can get — even if their intention was just to forward their narrative that the unvaccinated are now even more of a threat to the vaccinated somehow I’m really not sure anymore.
Let’s move to the actual science, specifically this study from August that found similar viral loads in double jabbed and un-jabbed individuals. While the article does its best to hedge — “The authors said the implications for transmission were not yet clear” — the obvious implication is that people with the same viral loads are at equal risk of transmitting the virus to others. A recently released pre-print article (i.e. not yet peer-reviewed) says similar: since the rise of ‘Delta’, vaccination has had a greatly reduced impact on viral transmission.
Neither of these articles outright say that vaccination is unable to stop transmission — they are still framed as being strongly pro-vaccine, although that was likely a condition of publication. They nonetheless point in the direction of this inevitable conclusion — a conclusion that is also born out by real world data (and that I have been pointing towards for months). Basically: high rates of vaccination do not reduce overall Covid infection rates in the population. In fact, what the real world data actually shows is the opposite: more vaccination equals more infection.
We first started to see this in Israel a bit over a month ago, which became the ‘Covid hotspot’ of the world despite also being the showcase for the success of the “vaccine” to the world. Whoops!
In fact, official Government data showed that at the end of July, the proportion of new Covid cases that were in vaccinated people was the same as the proportion of vaccinated people in the population. In more simple terms: you were just as likely to ‘get’ Covid regardless of your vaccination status. Such a conclusion was also supported by a separate study that documented one particular outbreak in Israel within a population that was 96.2% vaccinated (damn so close).
This data essentially disproves the original intended point of the vaccine: you can’t stop the spread of a virus and end a pandemic with a therapeutic that reduces severity of the illness but doesn’t actually stop infections — you just keep more people alive for a bit longer (that sounds a bit bleak I know, but with our current approach it is true).
It is not just Israel (or the UK— see hidden on page 14 of this Government report): we can now see this trend emerging across various parts of the world. Now, you can access the data to support these conclusions yourself by going to Our World in Data — a fantastic resource for dismantling the vaccine mandate narrative despite the fact that its intention was probably to do the exact opposite! You can find the official data for Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths here, and then compare them to the rates of vaccination for those same countries. Comparing Western countries against India and various African countries — or in fact the entire African continent — is particularly brutal to the Western medical ego.
If you don’t feel like doing that, luckily, smarter people have done it for us! In fact, two chaps from Harvard have taken the Our World in Data stats for 68 countries (and 2947 individual US counties!) and undertaken an epic cross analysis against vaccination rates:
“…there appears to be no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”
This is probably my favourite study of the pandemic so far — mainly because it is so simple and easy to follow (and subsequently explain).
I don’t know if it is perfect or if the situation is that simple. For example, it’s quite possible there is a greater testing rate in areas with higher rates of vaccination (if you are a fan of one of them you are highly likely to be a fan of the other, let’s be honest). Still, it is pretty compelling data, and at the very last shows there are far more important factors at play than vaccination when it comes to stopping Covid. It also completely contradicts the aforementioned aim of mass compulsory vaccination provided by our TGA as “making it more difficult for a disease to spread”.
What is left to argue after this? What if they say that these rises in cases are outweighed by the reduction in hospitalisation and death from Covid? Well, that is another issue entirely, obviously, beyond mandates — mandates, it needs to be reiterated, are about whether our vaccination status is protecting other people.
But one thing you can say is: if you are still trying to argue that higher rates of Covid is somehow proof that the vaccine is working, then you are admitting this isn’t a vaccine, but a therapeutic. Simples!