Could COVID-19 Really Be A Bioweapon?
A Chinese whistleblower’s testimony requires a re-assessment of the origins of the pandemic
Dr. Li-Meng Yeng (source)
September 16 2020
I love a conspiracy, and have for most of the year been banging on to my friends and anyone else willing to listen that COVID-19 was quite likely a bioweapon created in a lab in Wuhan.
This has, up until now, been an unpopular opinion. We as a population seem far more comfortable in believing that a life-threatening virus is the result of natural evolution rather than human intervention. This seems like a very unsympathetic and pessimistic way to view nature, which seems to have our best interests at heart more than we do, but this is a discussion for another time.
That COVID-19 could be a bioweapon is, still, an unpopular opinion — however thanks to the recent whistleblower testimony of Dr. Li-Meng Yan, has just become a whole lot harder to ignore. In her recent interview with Fox News, Dr. Yan alleges that COVID-19 was not just created in a Wuhan laboratory, but was deliberately released by the Chinese Communist Party Government. True to form, the Doctor’s Twitter account was quickly shut down as she made her (non-peer reviewed) paper on the issue available.
Could COVID-19 really be a bioweapon? It is difficult to take the word of one Doctor for such a massive and paradigm shifting claim, even though she has been in the position to understand the truth more than almost anyone. So while we may never know for sure, what we can conclude from the evidence already available is that biological warfare is very much real — and that there is no reason, except for a wilful naivety to the current geopolitical situation, why the possibility should not at the least be considered.
We need to start at the start, by untangling the suspicious origins of the virus outbreak in Wuhan and the facts that challenge the whole bat soup or whatever the current official theory is.
An article in the respected peer reviewed medical journal The Lancet was the first to question the conventional narrative, finding that ‘Patient 0’ could in fact be traced back to December 1 and had no link to the much maligned seafood market. There also appeared no evidence of bats being present at the seafood market, which, given it is a seafood market, seems reasonable. A subsequent paper in the New England Journal of Medicine also found that almost half of the initial cases had no contact with the market. This traces the actual beginnings of the virus to some time in November, after which considerable community transmission was already occurring. Despite this, official Government criteria for diagnosis of the virus still required a link to the seafood market well into January.
Many sniffed a cover-up in the seafood market story, which soon revealed its full pungency as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began blatantly suppressing information and changing its official narrative.
The most notable example of an alleged cover-up was the silencing of the whistleblowing doctor Li Wenliang, who was the first to warn people of the spread of a new deadly virus. These initial warnings came a full seven weeks before Wuhan was eventually brought into lockdown, which begs legitimate questions about the extent that the actions of the Government allowed the virus to spread both within the City and subsequently around the world. Several articles, including one from the very mainstream New York Times, give some substance to the various accusations that have been flying around about China’s apparent misdeeds in handling the virus.
Now the question becomes to what extent China was actually responsible not just for the initial spread of COVID-19, but its creation.
At this point, it is worth noting another significant location in Wuhan: laboratories set up by the CCP with the specific purpose of investigating dangerous pathogens, which were at the time working on different forms of Coronaviruses. Such is the obvious dot to be connected here, media outlets were openly speculating in January that the virus responsible for the outbreak may have been created in a Wuhan biology lab.
One of the theories surrounding this lab is that it is the main facility for China’s secret biological weapons program. It appears to have been quietly developing virus strains from its own research as well as the help of ‘collaborators’ (spies sounds a bit harsh) in Western countries.
Suspicions of this theory were inflamed through the discovery of two Chinese nationals working at a microbiology lab in Winnipeg, Canada — a lab that was also working with novel Coronaviruses — who were reportedly kicked out of that lab for trying to steal samples of these viruses to bring back to the Wuhan lab. (The news agency responsible for the story, upon realising what they had unleashed, was quick to hose down the seriousness of the incident). Both individuals were later found to be part of this biological weapons program.
Then there is the story of Charles Leiber, a Harvard academic in chemistry who received large amounts of funding from a University in Wuhan before lying about any links to the University when questioned by the US Government.
We obviously have to get into the biology of the virus to understand why people are so suspicious of its origins, which is something I’m not particularly qualified for. Luckily, there have been those qualified willing to put their necks on the line.
This video with a Professor who was involved in the creation of the US Biowarfare Act summarises the scientific arguments that support that the COVID-19 was genetically modified by humans for the specific purpose of a bioweapon. The suggestion is that COVID-19 was created through the deliberate insertion of aspects of both SARS and HIV into the Coronavirus structure. Further, the Professor suggests this was the same case for Swine Flu and many other famous pathogens, and that such experimentation is commonly practiced in China, the US and around the world.
Dr. Judy Mikovits (yep of Plandemic fame) makes similar arguments in this comprehensive documentary of the origins of COVID-19 by the Epoch Times. It notes the similarity of the COVID-19 genetic makeup to common bat SARS-like Coronaviruses found in the region, and that these similarities — notably the existence of ‘spike’ proteins that make the virus able to penetrate human cells — were unlikely to have been naturally occurring.
That last video goes for almost an hour. I’m not thinking you are likely to watch it — particularly if you have already decided that The Epoch Times is a right wing, Trump-loving, anti-China propaganda rag — but it is probably the best summary of all aspects of this origin story that you will find. The Epoch Times also has a range of other videos that detail the situation in China, including some that claim to be coming from ‘whistleblowers’ on the ground in Wuhan.
There were reports that things were actually much worse in Wuhan than the CCP was saying, and that the death toll could actually be in the millions. One argument put forward for this is cell phone data that shows 21 million less users than one month previously. While unusual, there are other less dramatic explanations for this reduction.
Other claims include the Government dragging suspected infected people from their houses kicking and screaming for them never to be seen again, sick patients being taken away and cremated while still alive, and locking down whole apartment buildings with suspected infections and allowing residents to die rather than risk further spread. Videos also emerged that appeared to show people being dragged screaming into cars, and apparently dead bodies lying on streets.
Not all of these stories can be verified obviously — we really have no idea what goes on in China, it seems. But there’s no reason to believe these sources are less trustworthy than the CCP, at the very least, and is a good wake-up call about how little we know for sure about what is happening there right now.
This isn’t meant to be a China bashing exercise, even though it might sound like one. It’s just trying to point out that the official story appears to have been false from the start, and has continued from there. If it look like a cover up, and quacks like a cover up, then perhaps there is something there to be covered up.
It is nonetheless important to distinguish between the theory of a deliberately-created bioweapon and its deliberate release as a bioweapon. As noted above, that China is developing weaponised Coronaviruses in a lab in Wuhan is basically self-evident, and consistent with the actions of the US and other Western countries. So how it might have gotten from a lab into the Chinese population is another thing entirely: an ex-M16 chief, for example, believes it was indeed man-made but was released by accident.
That said: if a country — sorry, Government, because these are not the acts of its everyday citizens — has gotten to the stage of deliberately creating viruses to be used as weapons against humans, then it is hard to argue that they wouldn’t be prepared to use them. Even if such a possibility forces us to reassess the extent of evil that is being exposed across the globe as 2020 continues to do its thing.