Checking In On Our Fave Spike Protein
The Science keeps rolling in on the most audacious and ambitious medical experiment in history, and it ain't looking great.
Recycling this charmingly poorly photoshopped meme because of how proud I was of it the first time
Lab coats on fellow diggers: it’s Science time!
There is a new academic paper doing the rounds, one that is causing increased brow sweating and elevated heart rates (nothing to do with Myocarditis, don’t worry) in well meaning Science-loving and Jibby Jab-defending folk around the world.
What does it say? As always, it is best to hear it straight from the authors, or in this case, straight from the title:
“SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro”
I’m no Expert (just like many of our self-proclaimed Experts it increasingly appears, boom-tish), but something that might stop our DNA from repairing itself doesn’t sound like something we want sticking round inside of our cells for too long. And it sounds like, from this study, that these spike proteins are getting and staying right in the nucleus — the DNA hub — of our cells.
Now, before we get too excited/concerned, necessary qualifications abound here. Firstly, and most importantly, this is an in-vitro study, meaning it is in a lab, not in real life.
Secondly, this is the spike protein from the virus, not the vaccine. However — quick reminder for those who need it — the vaccine is designed to make our bodies create a replica of this same spike protein, similar enough so that it prepares our immune systems for the arrival of the actual spike protein-laden virus. So, one might logically wonder if such a finding might have implications for the Jibby Jabs as well.
In fact: one of the most surprising aspects of the paper is that it proper calls out the Jibby Jab in its abstract. Usually, with studies that can in any way be seized on by the shameless opportunism of the anti-vax crowd to prosper visions of doom, any explicit mention of potential jab downsides is usually parked at the end of the discussion section with a hefty does of qualification. But what do you know… as the very last sentence of the abstract — the Academic Money Shot no less (sorry) — we find this conclusion:
“Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”
Well then. Deep breaths required I think, Science Bros.
Whenever a new informational artefact that threatens to engulf the official Covid narrative goes viral, our best counter response as Science-defending citizens is to immediately check in on the fact checkers (I prefer vax checkers). Have they successfully managed to debunk and discredit this claim before it has crossed over and threatened to disrupt the worldview of those still engrossed in this official narrative?
Thus, I type:
“Can [jibby jab] spike proteins impair DNA repair”?
First on Duck Duck Go, then the arch-transhumanist entity itself, Google. All the initial hits are not promising: several links to the actual paper, followed by breathless reporting on said paper by extremist right wing white supremacist websites (not to mention, as the cherry on top of the misinformation cake, the Pandemic’s Wrongest Man himself, Alex Berenson). Well, there is also this one actual Expert, but then there is always one contrarian.
The main appearance by our vax-checkers has nothing to do with the claims in this paper, but comes from an article from July, now rather unfortunately titled: COVID-19 Vaccine-Generated Spike Protein is Safe, Contrary to Viral Claims.
In fact, the headline should have been considered equally unfortunate and unscientific back then as it is now. How exactly do the esteemed fact checkers know that this novel, biologically-active and potentially-developed-in-a-shady-Wuhan-Lab element of a viral entity that we have been told is absolutely not safe is actually completely and unquestioningly safe?
Coz they were able to not entirely convincingly debunk a single proposed mechanism for how this spike protein might in fact do us damage?
Coz Pfiz-daddy said so in their self-governed clinical trials, which it now appears were littered with instances of scientific dishonesty?
Or, the reason I most suspect: coz we are so enamoured with our own scientific ingenuity that we can’t comprehend that such genius could backfire on us in ways that our genius couldn’t have predicted?
As I wrote about in my probably-unnecessarily-deep deep-dive into this mysterious spike protein — the spike protein that we are now manufacturing with China-like levels of cheap factory production inside human cells around the world — what we are attempting with these new generation of Jibby Jabs is an astonishingly ambitious and audacious hacking of our immune systems… and of nature itself.
Yes, mRNA technology is not new. But it has never been used for these purposes before, and has never come even close to having been rolled out in real life on a mind-bendingly enormous worldwide scale as it is now.
If we pull it off, somehow, despite all the evidence that things are heading in the wrong direction, it will undoubtably be the greatest achievement of the Western Medical Experiment. But if we don’t, then it is hard to see a way back for us — and it might just be time to hand the reigns back to the medical paradigms of our ancestors and current indigenous cultures… and to nature itself.