A Vaccine Advocate Speaks Out on the Covid Vaccine


The warnings of Geert Vanden Bossche about the dangers of mass vaccination during a pandemic should give us all pause for thought.

I have been doing my best to stay very neutral about the current Covid vaccine rollout. I hope that this situation is the catalyst for people becoming more accustomed to exercising their free will for complex health decisions, and to accept the consequences of whatever choice they end up making. Having said that, after a recent interview I just watched, I may be about to break my neutrality. 

Two things to state, straight up. Firstly, this is not an interview about adverse vaccine reactions (phew), but far more technical and grounded in the actual science of virology; I learned a great deal from it on the functioning of the both vaccines and the immune system. It made me question why I had weighed in to the extent that I had so far without having this knowledge. 

Secondly, this interview is not of some anti-vax conspiracy theorist who believes the entire vaccine agenda is part of William Gates’ grand scheme to neuter and diminish the world’s population, either just before or just after he blocks out the sun, Mr. Burns style. Far from it in fact, given the gentleman in question — Geert Vanden Bossche — is a vaccine advocate and expert: most notably in his work in coordinating the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) Ebola Vaccine Program, during which he actually worked directly with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In short, this guy has proper skin in the game, knows what he is talking about and is not going to speak out against vaccines unless he feels there is legitimate and pressing need to do so.

And this is the situation that is laid out in this interview: the current rollout of the various Covid vaccines is creating a situation that has potentially severe and irreversible consequences on vaccinated populations. Again, not me saying this: but an internationally recognised vaccine developer and innovator. This expert has no issues with the vaccine itself — he is in fact glowing about it and the people who made it — but is highly critical of the way it is being used. We are using the wrong weapon for the wrong war, essentially: prophylactic vaccines that protect the infected person with very targeted immunity rather than killing the virus are not appropriate at this stage of a pandemic, and will cause more harm than good. 

I am aware that not everyone (in fact most likely most people) has time to sit down, watch and actively take in the information on lengthy videos such as this one (although just over 40 minutes is far from lengthy in the world of Youtube). I had a complete day off today: none of the standard Tuesday concerns that most people have in terms of employment, children, delicate relationship maintenance etc. I watched it twice, the first time while doing my current jigsaw puzzle (my standard mode for video consumption), and the second with more active listening to just the original interview itself… as well as a second separate hour long interview, because that’s how I roll.

If you have been active in discussing this vaccine on the interwebz or in real life (and good on you if you have, regardless of what side you are on) then I would put this down as essential viewing. If you are more of a reader, you can find an explanation of the science behind his claims here, or his original keynote presentation here. Given the position and expertise of GVB and the gravity of what he is saying, I don’t see how there could be a more essential chain of information to be aware of right now. For others without the time, I’m going to do my best — bearing in mind my lack of expertise on the science being discussed, not that that ever stops me anyway — to give the cliff notes version off what the Bossche man is saying. Before that, in case you don’t trust an avowed vaccine skeptic to be objective (fair enough): here is a separate analysis of the interviews by a non-conspiracy theorist.

There are two main arguments that Geert By Sea puts forward, neither at all positive about the impact this vaccine is going to have (and just to reiterate, neither argument is directly concerned with the divisive issue of vaccine side effects). The first is to do with ourselves, the second is to do with the virus itself.

The basic argument of what this vaccine is doing to us is this: by giving the mass population — many of which have well-functioning and robust immune systems already — specific antibody immunity to the original SARS-Covid-2 virus, the vaccine is also reducing our ability to produce more general antibodies capable of hand-to-hand combat with a range of different viruses. This wouldn’t be an issue in itself if both specific and general antibodies were able to coexist peacefully on the battle field. However, the G-train suggests that this is not the case: the vaccine-specific antibodies are in fact somewhat bullies, and crowd out and overrule general antibodies in a fairly aggressive manner.

Thus, while the vaccine may leave us with Uber-immunity to the original covid, it can potentially leave us dangerously susceptible to both Covid-variants and other potentially harmful viruses. Not just in the short term, as this antibody suppression is likely to stay with us for a while, even forever. He essentially compares the vaccine to a reboot of our immune system software: once our originally immune software given to us by God is overwritten, it is only through continuous updates — i.e. ongoing vaccination — that immunity to viruses can be maintained. So basically: once you have your first hit, you are hooked, like all the 'best' drugs. 

The second argument is perhaps more concerning, as it applies on a population level. Van-Man (that’s all the nicknames I’ve got) argues that by inserting ourselves artificially into the virus-immune system interaction, we are actually reversing the natural process that a virus becomes integrated into the human population. Thus, rather than allowing mutations to occur naturally in a way that makes the virus sequentially more accustomed to our immune systems (and hence less dangerous), we are actually ‘teaching’ the virus how to mutate around our immune systems by putting ‘downward pressure’ on them to favour extra resistant mutations. A healthy asymptomatic person can thus be transformed by this vaccine into a carrier and spreader of these new dangerous variants: a process he calls ‘viral immune escape’. This might explain why these new extra-virulent mutations — a rare occurrence this late in a pandemic — have suspiciously popped up in similar times and locations as the initial vaccine trials.

Basically, for the gain of short-term specific immunity, we are actually creating a whole new more broader problem that will soon come back to bite us in the rear. We will know if Bossche’s theory is true by what plays out in countries with aggressive vaccination programs: for example Israel, UK, US. The seeming promise of initial decline in cases, which we are indeed seeing now, will however be followed in a few weeks or few months by new variants, no immunity to them and a rise in cases and deaths. This ‘third wave’ will be almost entirely produced by a vaccine designed to end the pandemic. 

Obviously I can’t verify myself the accuracy of what Bossche is saying, but he certainly has the expertise for it, and it does reflect the long standing views of many more vax-outspoken individuals. He may already be getting smeared as an anti-vaxxer by those who continue to push the vaccinate-at-all-costs agenda, which given his background would be funny in its own uniquely grotesque way. 

So if we take this experts opinions as valid and actionable, what does it all mean? The main problem seems to be the vaccination of the healthy as well as the unhealthy, and the relentless need to hack perfectly functioning immune systems through scientific experimentation. Geert Vanden Bossche’s advice is essentially this: if you are young and/or healthy, delay being vaccinated until there is scientific consensus on these concerns based on real world data. In the meantime, do the necessary work to promote a strong immune system — good diet, exercise, sleep, Vitamin C and D — to best prepare yourself for the ultimate solution for those of us lucky enough to have healthy immune system: exposure to a virus that we never should have been scared of from the start. 

And, dare I editorialise: have some Ivermectin handy as well. 


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