Mars Square Pluto; Man on Fire
On October 7, two of the most problematic Heavenly Archetypes — the Planet of War Mars and the Lord of the Underworld Pluto — Squared up to each other around the Zodiac.
A Square is friction, disharmony, a clash between the energies of two Archetypes. In this case, we might imagine a harsh and brutal uncovering of the depths of human bloodlust.
Was it a coincidence that on this day — exactly one 50-year Jubilee since the start of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 — Hamas attacked Israel, and the world was promptly ambushed with one of the most defining and horrifying 24 hours of our already spiralling Internet Age?
A lot is made about the root causes of conflict in the Middle East. A lot of the discussion gets lost in historical arguments over lineage and land rights, and even more of it in talk of religious prophecy and Biblical Revelation. More and more, the debate is hijacked by the propaganda campaigns of broader geopolitical agendas that seem locked into mindsets of escalation and provocation.
In the Fog of the Information Wars, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate fact from fiction: real war atrocities from despicable war mongering propaganda. 40 beheaded babies would, for an example, be an astonishingly (but unfortunately not impossibly) demonic act of brutality. Yet, so too, would be knowingly allowing this terrorism to be carried out against your own people… or, for that matter — because we know similar lies have been used to justify wars before — confecting such a story for the specific purpose of enacting more military violence.
Perhaps this is the best way to understand the situation. Hamas enact their bloodletting in a brutally primitive, medieval and almost entirely counterproductive manner — rather than through sophistry, manipulation, propaganda and cold-blooded Saturnian politics of the Judeo-Christian Empire. This ideological schism appears coded into our reality in order to create perpetual violence and lead us into WW3.
To me, the fundamental barrier to peace in the Middle East is clear: a group of people quite literally being held captive and subject to a constant state of trauma in an open-air prison of war.
How have such animalistic living conditions come to be normalised and excused?
How could someone possible rationalise (as many influential public figures are currently doing in suspicious unison) turning one of the most densely populated and impoverished areas of the world into a post-apocalyptic parking lot: knowing full well and in full conscience the unprecedented civilian bloodshed that it would bring about?
Maybe it is just human nature. Or maybe it is the logical end point of the anti-human belief that any particular Race and/or Religion of people is fundamentally superior, divinely-anointed, entitled, or any more “Human” than the other.
Whatever the origin — and wherever in the world such a power and freedom differential occurs — should we be surprised if the darkest shadow of those subject to such captivity inevitably end up reflecting that back onto their captors?
I have just done a friend’s chart who has Saturn in a hard aspect with Mars, and its not an easy thing to frame in a positive light. That said, and despite Saturn’s demonisation, its disciplined and restricting influence on unrestrained warmongering would be more than handy right now. The good news is that Mars has just moved into a favourable Trine with Saturn, and still will be for the eclipse in two days time.
To assist in this energy, here is a song by a British chap called Gareth Icke. If that name sounds strangely (and ominously) familiar then, yes: he is the Son of OG Reptilian Conspiracy Theorist David Icke, whose most notable contribution to the world has been hypothesising that we live in an Archonic Simulation where Humans are harvested for their energy and controlled through a complex Planetary AI Apparatus best described as the Saturn-Moon Matrix. Fun!
It is to Gareth’s great credit that he has managed to emerge from that considerable shadow and make his own name, both as a Musician and one of the strongest voices in the “Truther” community for bringing to light the dire everyday reality of the Palestinian people.
My intention behind this cover is to practice this balance between the Aggression and Righteousness of Mars and the Humility and Restraint of Saturn.